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Installing software for the Social Media Engine

Use SiteConfig to install software for the Social Media Engine.

  • The server on which you are installing software is in the SiteConfig system description and communicating on the control network.
  • The server on which you are installing software has its credentials set in SiteConfig to allow access.
  1. Verify the SiteConfig roles currently assigned to the server. If the roles are not correct for your system design, add or remove roles accordingly. The role should be as follows:
    • GV STRATUS SocialMedia Engine
  2. Add the server to a deployment group, such as the GV STRATUS deployment group.
  3. Add the following file to the deployment group:
    • GrassValley_CoreServer_x.x.x.cab, which contains the following cab file that apply to this device:
      • GrassValley_STRATUS_SocialMedia_x.x.x.cab
    Refer to release notes for version numbers.
  4. Do the SiteConfig Check Software operation on the server.
  5. Verify that deployment tasks are set to Install for the files listed above.
  6. Deploy software to the server.
  7. Restart as prompted.
  8. After deployment is complete, start the GV STRATUS Social Media Engine Service.

Next, license the Social Media Engine.

Copyright © 2018 Grass Valley Canada. All rights reserved. GV STRATUS 6.0 gvtp_20180420_01:25:43