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Binding disk modules - Proxy Storage

  • Fibre Channel cable(s) must be connected
  • Ethernet cable(s) must be connected
  • Power must be on
  • Fibre channel cable(s) must be connected
  • Power must be on
Note: Binding destroys all user data on the disks.
  1. If you have not already done so, launch Storage Utility from the K2Config application.
  2. As prompted, wait while Storage Utility gathers system information, then Storage Utility opens.
  3. In the Storage Utility main window, identify bound RANKs and unbound disks by their placement in the hierarchy of the tree view. In the following illustration, disk numbers are represented by “XX”.

    Proxy systems store media files across both the primary RAID chassis and the optional Expansion chassis. In addition, file system metadata files and journal files are mixed in with the media files. The RAID configuration is the same on all chassis. Each chassis contains disks, which are bound as RAID 6 in a RANK of twelve disks. One twelve disk RANK fills one chassis.
  4. Right-click the Unbound node for a controller, then select Bind in the context menu. If the RAID chassis has two controllers, both controllers are represented by the single “Controller” node. The Bind dialog box opens showing all unbound disks for the controller listed in the Available Disk list.

  5. Leave Full Bind unchecked.
  6. In the Bind Type drop down box, select RAID 6.
  7. In the Available Disks box, select twelve contiguous disks at the top of the list. Use ‘shift-click’ or ‘control-click’ to select disks.
  8. Click the add (arrow) button to add disks to the Selected Disks list.
    Note: As an aid in identifying a disk module’s physical location, select it in the Selected Disks list, then click Identify Disks. This causes the disk drive light to flash.
  9. Click OK to close the Bind dialog box and begin the binding process. The Progress Report dialog box opens, showing the status of the binding process.

  10. Close the Progress Report and repeat these steps for other unbound disks. If specified by your system design, you can bind some disks as Hot Spares. When you are done, if you did not bind any extra Hot Spares, you should have the following results: The disks in the primary RAID chassis and in optional Expansion chassis should be bound as RAID 6 RANKs, with twelve disks to a RANK.
  11. Click Close in Progress Report window.
  12. Restart the GV STRATUS server.
    Note: Make sure start up processes on the server are complete before proceeding.

Next, create a new file system.

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