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Integration with traffic system and playout automation

Integration of assets with the traffic system and playout automation provides a seamless operation from program scheduling, segmentation of assets, insertion of commercials into the daily playlist, right up to automated broadcast. The integration workflow includes a traffic sytem, the GV STRATUS application, and K2 Edge for playout automation. The traffic system is responsible for scheduling daily broadcasts, while K2 Edge automates the play-to-air operation according to the traffic system's playlist.

In the GV STRATUS application, the Segmentation tool allows users to create multiple segments of an asset so that commercials can be inserted in between those segments. In the House Number list, assets are linked to house numbers and thus associated with programs on the traffic system's playlist.

The communication between the GV STRATUS application and the traffic system is via the Broadcast Exchange Format (BXF) files. The traffic system sends the list of programs and house numbers in BXF files that are dropped into the traffic watch folder. The location of the traffic watch folder must be configured in the GV STRATUS Control Panel application.

The GV STRATUS application processes those BXF files and populates house numbers automatically into the House Number List. This processing is not affected by GV STRATUS security access permissions. After assets are linked to house numbers in the House Number List, the GV STRATUS application creates another set of BXF files and sends them to the traffic system to reconcile information with the previous playlist. The traffic system's completed playlist now includes segmentation information, house numbers, duration, and asset IDs.

If GV STRATUS security is enforced, your credentials must give you adequate permissions. If permission is restricted, buttons, list items, and other controls can be disabled or hidden. Bins, assets, and metadata that do not have read permissions are not visible. Markers and segments permissions must be set to Allow in order to create, update, or delete markers and segments. For example, House Numbers are hidden if Read access is not granted on the linked asset.

For playback, the traffic system sends the completed playlist to K2 Edge for automated playout. The K2 Edge identifies assets from the playlist and initiates FTP transfer of assets in preparation for the broadcast. In the K2 Edge system, the Cobalt Playout Control (POC) application automates the play-to-air operation.

Refer to the traffic system customer documentation and "Cobalt User Manual" for more information regarding their workflows.

Copyright © 2018 Grass Valley Canada. All rights reserved. GV STRATUS 6.0 gvtp_20180420_01:25:43