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Clearing the GV STRATUS database

If your GV STRATUS Database has data problems, you can clear all data and start over with a blank database.

Note: This procedure deletes all metadata, markers, keywords, associations, and other data created by the GV STRATUS application. Do not use this procedure if you have data that you want to retain in your GV STRATUS Database.
  1. Uninstall the GV STRATUS core services.
  2. Delete the GV STRATUS Database as follows:
    1. Open and log in to Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio.
    2. In the tree-view expand the Databases node and identify the databases of the GV STRATUS system.
    3. Right-click on MediaFrame and select Delete.
    4. Select Close existing connections and then click OK.
  3. Re-install the GV STRATUS core services.
The GV STRATUS core services install a blank GV STRATUS Database, then re-populate the GV STRATUS Database with the assets it finds on your K2/Summit/SAN systems.

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