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Installing SQL

  • SQL must be one of the required system requirements on the server, according to the server's intended use in the GV STRATUS system.
  • The GV STRATUS server must be freshly re-imaged and SQL must not yet be installed

The recommended method of restoring SQL is to restore the GV STRATUS server using the system specific image that shipped on the server. When you do so, SQL is also restored to its factory default installation. However, if for some reason you must install SQL manually, use this procedure. SQL is required on GV STRATUS servers with the role of GV STRATUS Database.

If the server should have SQL, install it as follows:

  1. Log into the server as Administrator.
  2. Run the following batch file. C:\Grass Valley\InstallSQL.bat A console opens.
  3. Wait until the console closes. This indicates the install is complete. This is a quiet install, so there is no incremental progress indicator.
  4. License SQL-Server as follows:
    1. From the Windows desktop, click Start | All Programs | Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 | Configuration Tools | SQL Server Installation Center (64 bit). SQL Server Installation Center opens.
    2. Select Maintenance | Edition Upgrade.
    3. Follow the wizard, clicking OK and Next.
    4. When you arrive at the Product Key page, select Enter the product key, type in the product key, and select I accept the license terms.
    5. Finish the wizard, clicking Next and Upgrade.

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