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Installing the Discovery Agent on a GV STRATUS server

If the device that you plan to manage with SiteConfig does not have a SiteConfig Discovery agent installed, use this topic to verify and, if necessary, manually install SiteConfig support software. Doing so allows SiteConfig to discover and manage the device. If the device has any version of the SiteConfig Discovery Agent currently installed, you should use SiteConfig to upgrade the Discovery Agent, rather than installing it manually.

This task applies to any variant of a GV STRATUS server, such as Express, Core, Proxy, Engine, etc.

  1. On the device you plan to manage with SiteConfig, open the Windows Services Control Panel and look for the following required item:
    • ProductFrame Discovery Agent
  2. Proceed as follows:
    • If you find the required items, no further steps are necessary. SiteConfig support software is installed.
    • If a required item is not present, navigate to your SiteConfig files. If you do not already have these files in convenient location, you can find them on the PC that hosts SiteConfig, in the SiteConfig install location. Then continue with next steps as appropriate.
  3. To launch the program that installs the ProductFrame Discovery Agent Service do the following:
    1. Copy the Discovery Agent Setup directory to the device.
    2. In the directory, double-click the DiscoveryAgentServiceSetup.msi file. The setup program launches to install the SiteConfig Discovery Agent.
    3. Follow the setup wizard.
  4. When presented with a list of device types, select one of the following as appropriate:
    • StratusCoreServicesServer
  5. Complete the setup wizard and restart the device. The restart is required after the installation.

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