Other Topic Library Versions

Reorder adapters

  • Adapters must be named correctly
  • The control team must be created
  • The team and loopback must be named
  1. If not already open, open Network Connections as follows:
    1. Open the Windows Network and Sharing Center control panel.
    2. Click Change Adapter Settings. Network Connections opens.
  2. Select Advanced, then Advanced Settingsā€¦
  3. For GV STRATUS servers without an FTP/Streaming connection (Proxy, Proxy Storage file system), on the Adapters and Bindings tab, order adapters as follows:
    Control Connection
    Unused Connection 0
    Unused Connection 1
    Unused Connection 2
  4. For GV STRATUS servers with an FTP/Streaming connection but no media (iSCSI) connection, (Express, Core), on the Adapters and Bindings tab, order adapters as follows:
    Control Connection
    FTP-Streaming Connection
    Unused Connection 1
    Unused Connection 2
  5. For GV STRATUS servers with an FTP/Streaming connection and with one or two media (iSCSI) connections, (Render Engine), on the Adapters and Bindings tab, order adapters as follows:
    Control Connection
    Media Connection #1
    Media Connection #2
    FTP-Streaming Connection
  6. Click OK to close and accept the changes.
  7. Close Network Connections.

If continuing with network configuration, next set power management settings.

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