Other Topic Library Versions

Security options while copying/moving/sending

When you copy, move, or send assets, you are working with source assets and destination assets. A source asset is the original asset from which you initiate the copy, move, or send operation. A destination asset is the result of the operation and is a new asset and/or is an asset in a different location. When security access control is enforced for your GV STRATUS system, your site's policies might require that security settings be configured for destination assets. If not, destination assets will always inherit the security settings of the destination bin.

For operations on a local GV STRATUS system, you make security settings for destination assets in the Security dialog box. If the account you use to log in to the GV STRATUS application has the role of Security Manager, the widest range of options are displayed.

Security options are as follows:
  1. Preserve asset permissions: Destination assets have the same security settings as source assets. When this option is selected, the resultant security settings cannot be modified. If a single asset, security settings are displayed. If multiple assets, security settings are not displayed.
  2. Combine permissions of asset with permission of destination group: Destination assets have the same security settings as source assets. If destination bins have security settings, security settings from all destination bins and all assets are combined and applied uniformly to all bins and assets. When this option is selected, the resultant security settings cannot be modified. If a single asset, security settings are displayed. If multiple assets, security settings are not displayed. Do note that Deny permissions take precedence over Allow permissions.
  3. Apply custom permissions specified below: Regardless of current security settings on assets or on bins, settings can be configured as desired. When this option is selected, security settings can be modified.

Security options apply to assets found in GV STRATUS Navigator under Locations, Groups, and Favorites.

Depending on the account you use to log in to the GV STRATUS application, the Security dialog box displays as follows:
  • Security Manager: If the account you use to log in to the GV STRATUS application has the role of Security Manager, option 1, 2, and 3 are displayed.
  • Owner: If you are the asset owner, options 1 and 2 are displayed.
  • Common: If you are neither a Security Manager nor the asset owner, the Security dialog box is not available.

If GV STRATUS security is enforced, your credentials must give you adequate permissions. If permission is restricted, buttons, list items, and other controls can be disabled or hidden. Bins, assets, and metadata that do not have read permissions are not visible. Markers and segments permissions must be set to Allow in order to create, update, or delete markers and segments.

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