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Upgrading GV STRATUS systems

This section contains the tasks necessary for upgrading to this release of GV STRATUS software using the SiteConfig application. Work through the tasks sequentially to complete the upgrade.

Note: These upgrade instructions assume that current software is at version 5.5 or version 5.7. If you have a lower version of software, first follow the upgrade instructions for lower versions of software as appropriate to upgrade to version 5.5 or 5.7. Then upgrade to this release of GV STRATUS software.
If you upgrade a server and then decide you do not want to stay with this version of software, you must use the recovery disk image process to downgrade to your previous version.

With the installation instructions in this section, you use SiteConfig from a network connected control point PC and remotely install/upgrade software simultaneously on your system devices. This is the recommended process for software installation and upgrades. When installing the GV STRATUS application or the GV STRATUS Control Panel application, if SiteConfig installation is not possible, you may install manually on the local PC. You must uninstall before installing.

The upgrade instructions in this document apply to the following devices:

  • GV STRATUS client PC connected on the corporate LAN for low-resolution (proxy) workflow
  • GV STRATUS client PC connected on the media (iSCSI) network for high-resolution workflow
  • GV STRATUS servers as follows:
    • Express server
    • Core server
    • Database server
    • Proxy server (A1)
    • Proxy Storage file system server (B1, C1)
    • Workflow Server
    • Render Engine Server

The following installation tasks provide information specifically for the upgrade to this version of software. Read the information in these sections carefully before attempting any upgrade to software.

Copyright © 2018 Grass Valley Canada. All rights reserved. GV STRATUS 6.0 gvtp_20180420_01:25:43