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Access K2 storage from a Mac workstation

  • On a Mac workstation with OSX version 10.11 and below, connect to K2 SAN via SMB mount.

    Adobe Premiere connectivity to the K2 SAN storage is only supported via SMB connection. Currently, iSCSI and Fiber Channel connections are not supported.

    Note: K2-FCP-Connect license is not required for this connection.
    1. To connect to the K2 SAN media volume, mount the V: drive as follows:
      1. Launch the Terminal and log on as Administrator.
      2. Navigate to /Volumes: by entering the following command: cd ../volumes
      3. Create a new V drive using this command: mkdir V
      4. Mount the V drive using this command: mount_smbfs //administrator@name-of-K2SAN/V V/
      5. Enter the administrator password.

      The V drive is mounted at ../volumes/V/

      You can check the content of the V volume by entering this command: Volumes Administrator$ cd V

      Then followed by this command: V Administrator$ ls

      All folders inside the V volume will be displayed.

    2. You can also click the mounted V volume icon on the desktop to access the V volume and its content.

  • On a Mac workstation with OSX version 10.12 and above, connect to K2 SAN via the Connect to Server option.
    1. In the Finder, select Go | Connect to Server.

      The Connect to Server dialog box displays.

    2. Map the V drive for the K2 SAN in the Server Address field.

    3. Click Connect.
    4. Enter your user name and password, then click Connect.

      The V drive appears in your Volumes.

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