Other Topic Library Versions

Importing an EDL

You can also import an Edit Decision List (EDL) to use as your segment (batch) list. Supported EDL formats are .ale, .edl, .vlg, and .xml. Clip names in the imported file cannot be longer than 32 characters.

  1. Choose File | Import EDL.
  2. In the Open window, navigate to the correct folder, select the EDL to import, and click Open.
    Note: If your GV STRATUS metadata access control is restricted, some fields will be disabled when you import the EDL.
  3. Enter the Tape ID and select where to record the clips and click OK. The EDL appears in the segment (batch) list for the selected channel and is ready to record:
  4. Click Record to record your clips to the media server. If you have a clip that failed to record for some reason, you can change its status back to Ready by highlighting the clip, right-clicking and selecting Mark Ready.
Importing an EDL will clear any existing segments in a VTR’s segment list.

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