Other Topic Library Versions

Scanning tape with broken timecodes

Regardless of which timecode mode is used with your VTR; you can scan tapes with broken timecodes and capture clips according to timecode breaks. A batch list will automatically be created and saved as the .vlg EDL type.

To enable the feature, you need to select the Enable Timecode Break Scan checkbox in the VTR tab within Tools | Options of GV STRATUS VTR Ingest. Once selected, the following button appears on the clip record interface of GV STRATUS VTR Ingest.
Button Function
Find and ingest segments in tape according to timecode breaks.
  1. Insert a tape into the VTR and click the Timecode Break Scan button .
  2. You can choose to scan for timecode changes from the beginning of the tape or you can choose to start the scan from the current position of the tape. GV STRATUS VTR Ingest will rewind the tape if you choose to scan from the beginning.
  3. GV STRATUS VTR Ingest will insert mark in and mark out points around timecode changes, and the clip is then automatically added to the segment list.
  4. When all clips have been logged, GV STRATUS VTR Ingest will then ingest all clips in the batch list at the end of the operation.
    Note: You can also choose not to ingest segments automatically by deselecting the Automatically start recording after Timecode Break Scan checkbox within Tools | Options of GV STRATUS VTR Ingest.
Do not save the EDL in .ale or .edl format, as the internal “control track” to properly locate broken timecodes could be lost and may result in standard VTR confusion when dealing with timecode direction. Save the EDL as .vlg type only.

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