Other Topic Library Versions

QuickTime video and key import specification

This specification applies to importing a QuickTime file with an alpha channel. This is a licensed feature.

The imported file must be QuickTime 32 with alpha RLE 32-bit raster encoding, as produced by the Apple Animation Codec.

Supported video formats for import are as follows:
Format Scan Frame Rate
SD video 720 x 480 Interlaced 29.97
720 x 512 Interlaced 29.97
720 x 576 Interlaced 25
720 x 608 Progressive 25
HD video 1920 x 1080 Interlaced 29.97, 25
1280 x 720 Progressive 59.94, 50
Supported audio formats for import are as follows:
Audio tracks (if present) 48 kHz Mono or stereo
16 bit, 24 bit
Interchange mechanisms are supported as follows:
Mechanism Support
File based Import Yes
Export No
FTP stream Import Yes FTP import (FTP put) of a QuickTime file is internally handled in two stages. The FTP put will result in the QuickTime file being internally copied and the FTP status will reflect the status of this copy. When the entire QuickTime file is copied, the K2 will internally import the copied QuickTime file and the imported file will then become available as a K2 clip.
Export Yes
Note: FTP get of a growing K2 clip (a K2 clip being recorded or imported) is not supported.
When K2 software imports a file that meets the above requirements, it creates a K2 clip with two video tracks, in formats as follows:
Format Frame Rate Data Rate
SD video D10/IMX 720 x 512 29.97 50 CBR
D10/IMX 720 x 608 25 50 CBR
HD video AVC-Intra Class 100 1920 x 1080 29.97, 25 100 Mbps
AVC-Intra Class 100 1280 x 720 29.97, 25 100 Mbps

Audio tracks, if present are imported.

Timecode data is imported as K2 striped timecode. The first timecode value is the starting value and subsequent timecode is continuous.

The import process consumes system resource since this involves video transcoding. Be aware of this if running other resource intensive processes during import.

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