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Setting embargo status to stories in iNEWS


  • The GPIO connection is configured between the GV STRATUS Rundown client, switcher, and streaming encoder.
  • The General Purpose Output is configured for the Embargo status in the Tools | Options | GPIO Configuration of the GV STRATUS Rundown application.
  • The Embargo column is configured in the iNEWS application.
Embargo status can be set to specific stories in iNEWS to prevent automatic broadcast via the internet. This is due to restrictions from news providers that some media contents are only for televised broadcasts.
  1. Create a new story in iNEWS.
  2. Drag a ready placeholder from the Assignment List of the GV STRATUS panel to the Story Form window.
  3. Select the checkbox in the Embargo column for the story.

  4. Click on a different line in the Queue Panel to save your changes.

When the clip is cued in the GV STRATUS Rundown channel, the Embargo status is sampled. Then, the embargo GPO is set to high when the clip is played.

After the Embargo GPO is triggered, the streaming encoder prevents the clip's broadcast via the internet. All other contents without the Embargo status are automatically uploaded to the news station's website.

Copyright © 2018 Grass Valley Canada. All rights reserved. GV STRATUS 6.0 gvtp_20180420_01:25:43