Other Topic Library Versions

Sample of MOS Gateway configuration file

Note: Due to the book’s margin requirements, some wrapping of the text may occur in the following sample file that should not appear in the actual file.

For use with GV STRATUS Rundown, the iNEWS mosconfig.xml file should be configured as follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16" standalone="no"?>

<!-- This file contains configuration settings for the iNEWS MOS Gateway. xmlns="http://www.

<!-- It is in an XML-based format, with the root element being mosGatewayConfiguration. -->

<mosGatewayConfiguration xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespace

<!-- The logging element specifies the directory in which to put log files, -->	

<!-- the maximum number of log files to create, and how big each one can grow. -->	

				<directory>C:\Program Files\Avid\MOSGateway\Logs</directory>		
				<!-- YES/NO Also sends all logging to OutputDebugString so any Windows debugger will see it. -->		
				<!-- on/off Sends all incoming socket traffic to seperate log files. -->		

<!-- -->	

<!-- The tcpPorts element specifies the TCP ports on which the MOS Gateway listens for -->	

<!-- MOS connections. Every MOS that connects to the MOS Gateway must use the same ports. -->	


<!-- -->	

<!-- Newsroom system info -->	

				<!-- -->		
				<!-- The ncsID used for replication-->		
				<!-- -->		
				<!-- NCS's Host Name -->		
				<!-- Make sure this is resolvable -->		
				<!-- -->		
				<!-- Allow or Disallow Replication -->		
				<!-- YES/NO -->		
				<!-- default is YES -->		
				<!-- -->		
				<!-- This is the NCS username that the replication service logs into the ncs with. -->		
				<!-- default is mosrep -->		
				<!-- -->		
				<!-- This is the password the ReplicationUsername uses to log into the ncs. -->		
				<!-- default is mosrep -->		
				<!-- -->		
				<!-- Allow or Disallow mosItemReplace -->		
				<!-- YES/NO -->		
				<!-- default is YES -->		

<!-- -->	
<!-- The listDevices element contains device-specific configurations. It contains -->	
<!-- one or more mosDevice elements. The mosDevice element contains configuration -->	
<!-- settings that are specific to a particular MOS. -->	


								<!-- The names element contains the mapping of the MOS's mosID value to -->			
								<!-- an NRCS device name, as well as the network name of the MOS. -->			






												<!-- -->			
            <!-- The handlesEmptyStories element specifies whether this device accepts -->			
            <!-- a roStoryInsert message that contains no item. -->			


												<!-- -->
												<!-- The handlesRoStoryMoveMultiple element specifies whether this device supports -->
         			<!-- the roStoryMoveMultiple message. The router defaults to YES. -->			
												<!-- Valid settings are YES or NO -->			


												<!-- -->
         			<!-- The handlesRoItemLevelCommands element specifies whether this device supports -->
         			<!-- roItemInsert, roItemDelete and roItemReplace. The router defaults to YES. -->
         			<!-- Valid settings are YES or NO -->			

												<!-- -->
												<!-- the sendRoCreateOnStartLoad element specifies whether the rundown is created -->
         			<!-- by sending a blank roCreate command to the MOS device then add each story -->	
          		<!-- separately (YES) or whether one large roCreate message will be sent with the -->
         			<!-- entire rundown (NO). The default is YES. -->			


												<!-- -->
         			<!-- The statusTranslations element defines the status strings that correspond -->		
           	<!-- to the various NRCS status codes. This allows the MOS Gateway to translate -->			
            <!-- the roItemStatus messages received from a MOS into status codes that NRCS -->		
           	<!-- can recognize and display. -->			

            				<statusUnavailable>NOT READY</statusUnavailable>
            				<statusCued>STAND BY</statusCued>

            				<replicationTime>12:31:15 PM</replicationTime>




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