Other Topic Library Versions

Repopulating rundown items from SDB Server

The option to repopulate rundown items is useful if you were to accidentally delete placeholders in Housekeeper for an active rundown. You can repopulate those placeholders by selecting this option within SDB Server.

However, this option only repopulate empty placeholders and you still need to associate clips to those placeholders before the rundown is ready for playback.

In the case of a complete loss or corruption of the SDB database, repopulate could be used to rebuild the database by importing placeholders from all MOS active rundowns.

To repopulate rundown items:

  1. Click SDB Server on the taskbar of your desktop to display the window.
  2. Select Tools | Repopulate Rundown Items. You could see the change from “Unknown Placeholder” to the previous name of the placeholder in the rundown list.
  3. Open the Housekeeper application and associate the clip to the repopulated placeholder.

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