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Installing/upgrading SiteConfig

  • The PC on which you are installing SiteConfg must meet system requirements.
  • The PC must be connected to the LAN on which all the devices to be managed are connected.
  • There must be no routed paths to the devices to be managed.
  1. Procure SiteConfig installation files from the Grass Valley website or via other distribution mechanisms. The following directory and files are required to install SiteConfig:
    • DotNetFx directory
    • ProductFrameUISetup.msi
    • setup.exe
  2. If you already have a version of SiteConfig installed, go to Windows Add/Remove Programs and uninstall it.
  3. Double-click setup.exe. The installation wizard opens.
  4. Work through the wizard pages, clicking Next and Finish.

    If the PC does not have the appropriate version of Microsoft .NET, the SiteConfig installation programs installs it.
  5. Open the Windows operating system Services control panel on the PC and look for an entry called " ProductFrame Discovery Agent". The Discovery Agent must be installed on the SiteConfig PC so that the PC can be discovered by SiteConfig and added to the system description as a managed device. This is necessary to ensure name resolution in SiteConfig's hosts file. The Discovery Agent is also known as the Network Configuration Connect Kit. For example, in Windows Add/Remove Programs, it can be displayed as either Network Configuration Connect Kit or SiteConfig Discovery Agent.
  6. Proceed as follows:
    • If the Discovery Agent is not installed, navigate to the SiteConfig install location's Discovery Agent Setup subdirectory and double-click the DiscoveryAgentServiceSetup.msi file. This launches the setup program and installs the Discovery Agent. Follow the setup wizard to complete installation. A restart is required after installation. Then continue with the next step in this procedure.
    • If the Discovery Agent is already installed, continue with the next step in this procedure.
  7. If not already configured, configure the SiteConfig PC with a valid Ethernet IP address for the LAN using Windows Network Connections.
  8. If you are not going to be using SiteConfig to manage system hosts files, put the system hosts file on the SiteConfig PC.

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