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About device and host names

In SiteConfig, a device can have different names, as follows:

  • Device name — This is a name for display in SiteConfig only. It is stored in the SiteConfig system description, but not written to the actual device. It is displayed in the device tree view and in the device list view. It can be a different name than the device’s host name.
  • Host name — This is the network name of the device. SiteConfig has a default naming convention for host names which you can use or override with your own host names.

In most cases it is recommended that the Device name and Host name be the same. This avoids confusion and aids troubleshooting.

The Device name can serve as a placeholder as a system is planned and implemented. During the install/commission process, when you reconcile a device's current and planned network interface settings, the Host name as configured in the system description can be overwritten by the host name on the actual device. However, the Device name configured in the system description is not affected. Therefore it is recommended that in the early planned stages, you configure the Device name to be the desired name for the device, but do not yet configure the Host name. Then, after you have applied network interface settings, you can change the Host name to be the same as the Device name. This changes the host name on the actual device so that then all names are in sync.

SiteConfig does not allow duplicate device names or host names.

Items in the tree view are automatically sorted alphabetically, so if you change a name the item might sort to a different position.

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