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Accessing a device via Remote Desktop from SiteConfig

You can access a device via Remote Desktop if you have configured its network properties to allow communication over the control network.

  • To initiate a Remote Desktop session, right-click on a device in the tree view and select Remote Desktop. SiteConfig opens a Remote Desktop session to the device in a new window and automatically logs on using either the global credentials or the overridden credentials (if any). If Remote Desktop does not log on to the device, check the credentials being used and check network connectivity to the device.
  • Click the visible dialog pending user input link next to a deployment task. This link appears if a deployment task is underway and a dialog on the device requires your input. In this case SiteConfig can automatically launch a Remote Desktop session to the device. If a dialog is not visible on the screen, check for a Interactive Service Detection flashing toolbar button and use it to view the message. Provide user input as required for any dialogs or messages.

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