Other Topic Library Versions

Using mark-in and mark-out points

  • If GV STRATUS security is enforced, your credentials must give you adequate permissions on bins, assets, metadata, markers, keywords, and segments.
  • Create Marker and Update Marker permissions must be set to Allow for you to create and update markers.
  1. Navigate to the desired starting point using the scrub bar, and click the Mark In button. ( I)
  2. Navigate to the desired end-point using the scrub bar, and click the Mark Out button. ( O)

    Trim Asset is enabled when the asset has a mark-in or mark-out point. It is disabled if the asset does not have a mark-in or mark-out point.

    Note: If a clip is a part of Dyno record train sequence, Mark In and Mark Out points should not be set beyond the limit of the guard band, as configured for the record train sequence.
  3. To clear a mark-in or mark-out point, click the drop-down arrow by the respective button and select Clear Mark In ( Shift + I) or Clear Mark Out. ( Shift + O)
  4. To navigate to a mark-in or mark-out point, click the drop-down arrow by the respective button and select Goto Mark In ( Ctrl + I) or Goto Mark Out. ( Ctrl + O)

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