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Synchronizing K2Config information to GV STRATUS Control Panel

The K2Config application writes its configuration file to the GV STRATUS server that hosts the Control Panel Service. Typically this is the GV STRATUS Core server. If the Control Panel Service is running, the K2Config application automatically does this whenever you change K2 SAN information. In most cases, this automatic operation should be sufficient. For example, when you add or remove a K2 SAN, the K2Config application adds or removes that K2 SAN in the configuration file that is on the Control Panel Service host. If the configuration file does not already exist on the Control Panel Service host, the file is created. If the file already exists, the K2 SAN is added or remove in the configuration file, but any information in the configuration file about other K2 SANs is not removed or modified.

However, if a situation arises in which you want to purge the information in the configuration file or otherwise control the rules for writing the K2Config information to the Control Panel Service host, you can do so as explained in this topic.

  1. Make sure the GV STRATUS Core server is running.
  2. Open the K2Config application.
  3. In the K2Config application click STRATUS | Network Configuration and verify that the machine that hosts the Control Panel Service is correctly configured. Typically this is the GV STRATUS Core server.
  4. Click STRATUS | Sync to Control Panel. The Synch to STRATUS Control Panel dialog box opens.

  5. Select the synchronization option as follows:
    • Overwrite the list... — This overwrites the K2Config configuration file currently on the Control Panel Service host. Any K2 SAN information currently in the file is lost and replaced by the K2 SAN information currently in K2Config. Take care when selecting this option, especially if you previously configured a K2 SAN from a different instance of K2Config. This practice is not recommended, but if you are doing this, you could lose the information from that other K2Config instance.
    • Add to the list... — This is the same action that K2Config does automatically when you add a K2 SAN. The SAN's information is written to the configuration file on the Control Panel Service host, replacing any information for that same K2 SAN that is already in the configuration file. By selecting this option, you are triggering the same operation that would take place if you removed a K2 SAN from K2Config and then added the SAN back to K2Config.
  6. Click Sync Now to write the K2 SAN information to the K2Config file on the Control Panel Service host.
  7. Close the K2Config application.
  8. Open the GV STRATUS Control Panel application and click Core | K2 Storage | K2 SAN Storage. K2 SAN Storage settings open.
  9. Click Refresh. The Control Panel application reads the information from its local K2Config file and updates the list of K2 SANs.

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