Configure SQL Security logins

On the GV STRATUS Core server, SQL Security logins must be configured for the internal system/domain account.

  1. Open SQL as Administrator to log on.
  2. Open SQL Server Management Studio and browse to Security | Logins.
  3. Right-click on the Logins and add a new Login.
  4. On the General page:

    In the Login name field, enter the internal system/domain account.

    For a domain GVDOMAIN, enter GVDOMAIN\GVAdmin.

  5. On the Server Roles page:

    Check the box for public and sysadmin Server Roles.

  6. Click OK to save settings and close.

Copyright © 2020 Grass Valley Canada. All rights reserved. Specifications subject to change without notice. GV STRATUS 6.10 gvtp_20200811_04:57:17