Linking clips manually in Octopus

  • If GV STRATUS security is enforced, your credentials must give you adequate permissions on bins, assets, and metadata.
  • In order to link to a placeholder, you must be assigned with the Rename Asset Rights role and write permission for the Name property in Metadata section of GV STRATUS Control Panel.

You can also link placeholders from the GV STRATUS ActiveX Plug-in and insert clips into your rundown manually.

  1. Open the story that you want to link clips into.

    The story displays on the Octopus.

  2. Click the Edit button on the toolbar.
  3. Right click on the NOT READY status, select Launch STRATUS.

    The GV STRATUS ActiveX Plug-in displays.

    Note: Launching multiple GV STRATUS ActiveX Plug-ins might cause the first launched window to be blank. Click anywhere on the blank window to refocus the display of GV STRATUS ActiveX Plug-in.
  4. Select a placeholder on the Assignment List of GV STRATUS ActiveX Plug-in, and click Use on the Octopus story.
  5. Click the Save button on the toolbar.

    The placeholder links with the story.

  6. On the GV STRATUS ActiveX Plug-in, select an asset and link it to the placeholder.

    The clip links to the story in Octopus. You can see the Clip ID in the Octopus story is the same as the Clip ID in the Assignment List of GV STRATUS ActiveX Plug-in.

Copyright © 2020 Grass Valley Canada. All rights reserved. Specifications subject to change without notice. GV STRATUS 6.10 gvtp_20200811_04:57:17