Ingest Location Setup settings

These settings are optional on GV STRATUS systems.

To locate these settings, click Applications | Ingest | Location Setup

Setting or button Description
Only show location according to recording device Displays only the bins of K2 system where the Ingest channel is configured. If this setting is not selected, all configured locations are available.
Note: This setting is unchecked by default. The check-box must be selected to only display recording locations that are in the same K2 system as the configured Ingest channel.
Add Opens the Add Location dialog box.
Modify Opens the Modify Location dialog box for the selected location.
Remove Removes the selected location.

If you want to reorder the location list, select a location and click arrow buttons on the right to move up or down. Then, click Save to save the new configuration. Ingest services will be restarted to implement the change.

Note: While Ingest services restart, scheduled feeds may not start on time. Therefore, check Scheduler before modifying locations to ensure that no events are scheduled to start immediately.

Copyright © 2020 Grass Valley Canada. All rights reserved. Specifications subject to change without notice. GV STRATUS 6.10 gvtp_20200811_04:57:17