- The Storyboard Editor tool
- The Source Viewer
- Using mark-in and mark-out points
- Adding markers
- Adding keywords
- Navigating to keywords or markers in an
- Deleting a marker
- Create a subclip
- Create subclips from keywords
- Trimming a clip in Inspector
- The Storyboard
- The Sequence Viewer
- Creating a sequence
- Editing an event
- Splitting an event
- Configuring
Storyboard Editor User Preferences
- Using keywords and markers to add an event to a sequence
- Adding and removing transitions
- Rearranging or deleting events in a sequence
- Playing a sequence
- Launching a sequence in the EDIUS application
- Viewing the properties of an item
- Using EDIUS for GV STRATUS application
- Using the GV STRATUS application in Adobe Premiere Pro CC
- Using the GV STRATUS application with Avid
- Installing K2 Avid Connect
- Using GV Connect with Final Cut Pro
Parent topic: GV STRATUS Operation
Copyright © 2011 - 2021 GVBB Holdings SARL and Grass Valley USA, LLC. All rights reserved. Specifications are subject to change without notice. GV STRATUS 6.11 gvtp_20210726_01:23:36