Setting up K2 storage for Adobe Premiere Pro CC
Before installing GV STRATUS for Adobe® Premiere® Pro CC , set up the required support
in K2 storage.
- Ensure the Adobe Premiere Pro editor user accounts have access to the K2 media file system V: drive.
On the K2 Media Server with role of file system
server (FSM), set up the Adobe directory.
- Share the V: drive with Everyone, Read/Write permissions.
- On the root of the V: drive, create a directory named Adobe.
- On the root of the V: drive, create a directory named AdobeExporters.
- Set up a plan to periodically delete the files in the Adobe directory. For each asset imported from K2 storage into Adobe Premiere Pro, a temporary FCP XML file is created in the Adobe directory. Once the import succeeds the XML file is no longer needed. To maintain file system health, purge the directory on a regular basis.