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Standalone Database Server set up process

Only systems with a Standalone Database Server require this process. Use SiteConfig for network setup and software install.

If you received your system already set up from Grass Valley, your Standalone Database Server is already included in the SiteConfig system description and set up on the network, so you can skip these tasks. Otherwise, work through the topics in this section.

  1. SiteConfig Standalone Database Server network set up. Only systems with a Standalone Database Server require this process.

  2. SiteConfig Standalone Database Server software install. Only systems with a Standalone Database Server require this process.

  3. Backing up a database. Only systems with the role of GV STRATUS Database Server require this process.

  4. Restoring a database. Only systems with the role of GV STRATUS Database Server require this process.

  5. Setting the SQL server memory limit. Only systems with the role of GV STRATUS Database Server require this process.

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