Other Topic Library Versions

Using XRE Monitor

The XRE Monitor tracks the status of EDL files sent to a specified Render Engine Server, allowing you to quickly monitor multiple Render Engine Servers and their current job queue.

Once an item is in the queue, you can stop the current job if you need to reprioritize or re-edit a sequence. You can also filter the jobs that display in the XRE Monitor, letting you see only those jobs you need to monitor.

  1. From the Windows desktop, click the Start | All Programs | Grass Valley | XREMonitor icon.

    The XRE Monitor opens.

  2. View the progress of sent EDL files.
    Field or button Description
    Server A drop-down list of the Render Engine Servers available to you at your location
    Setting | Add Lets you add a Render Engine Server to the XRE Monitor
    Setting | Delete Lets you remove a Render Engine Server from the XRE Monitor
    Stop/Continue Stops or pauses the dynamic updates of the XRE Monitor; it has no impact on the Render Engine Server itself
    No. The XRE Monitor assigns a unique ID to each job that comes in; each job increments the ID by one
    Job Name Name of the clip as sent to the Render Engine Server
    Sent By Name of the machine that sent the job
    Status Gives updated status on the completion of a job; status messages include "Job completed successfully", "Job failed"; failure messages may provide information on some functions
    Started Indicates when the job began transferring
    Progress Specifies what percentage of the job has completed; updates automatically
    Time Remaining Specifies how long the job takes to finish the transfer process
    Search Lets you search what jobs to view; you can filter by Job name, Sent By, or by specified time in hours and minutes
    Cancel Click to cancel jobs you have selected
    Close Click to exit out of the XRE Monitor

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