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Deleting EDIUS Projects

Only users assigned with EDIUS Project Management and Media Manager roles are able to delete EDIUS Projects via the GV STRATUS application.
  1. In an Asset List panel, right-click on the EDIUS project you are deleting and select Delete.

    A Delete Type dialog box opens.

    • If the Permanently delete all associated files check-box is selected, the entire EDIUS Project and all associated assets in the project will be permanently deleted in GV STRATUS database and the project location.
    • If the Permanently delete all associated files check-box is not selected, the EDIUS Project will only be deleted from the GV STRATUS database. The EDIUS Project and sequence are still accessible if you browse to the project location using Windows Explorer.
  2. Click Delete.

The EDIUS project and associated assets in the project are deleted according to your selection. However, assets in the EDIUS sequence can only be deleted if the asset is not in use (for example, if the asset is loaded in a K2 Summit channel).

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