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Adding an import rule

The GV STRATUS Rules Engine can watch a source location that is external to the GV STRATUS system and when files arrive, import the files that match your criteria to a location that is in the GV STRATUS system. An import rule can transcode, as well as import metadata, as part of the import. The imported asset has a metadata field that specifies the source location from which it was imported.

Any SMB location can be used for importing media. If you want to use FTP, the same location must be exposed using the SMB protocol. For example, you can install an FTP server pointing to the location which is already accessible via SMB.

After the import operation, the Rules Engine changes the name of the original source file, adding a suffix that indicates success or failure. The Rules Engine periodically deletes files more than seven days old, as a housekeeping operation.

  1. Log in to the GV STRATUS Control Panel application with administrator privileges.
  2. In the GV STRATUS Control Panel application, click General | Rules.
  3. Click Add. Rule Editor settings open.
  4. In the Rule Type drop-down list select Import.
  5. In the Name field type in a name for the rule you are configuring.
  6. In the Description field type in a description for the rule you are configuring.
  7. In Rule Options settings, specify the rule behavior.

    1. Select the priority that the Rules Engine processes the rule, with the transfers and transcodes the rule controls, when there are multiple rules in a queue waiting to be processed.
      • Priority: High: Put this rule in a queue with other high priority rules and process through the high priority rule queue before any normal priority or low priority rules.
      • Priority: Normal: Put this rule in a queue with other normal priority rules and process through the normal priority rule queue after any high priority but before any low priority rules.
      • Priority: Low: Put this rule in a queue with other low priority rules and process through the low priority rule queue after any high priority or medium priority rules.
    2. If an asset of the same name already exists at the destination location, configure the rule behavior:
      • Rename: A suffix is appended to the imported asset name. The existing asset is retained.
      • Overwrite: The imported asset overwrites the existing asset. The existing asset is deleted. If the GV STRATUS system does not allow the existing asset to be deleted, the import fails. For example, if the asset has a subclip, the GV STRATUS system does not allow the existing asset to be deleted.
  8. In Rule Notification settings, specify the notification behavior, if desired.

    1. Enter email addresses to which emails are sent. Separate multiple email addresses with a comma.
    2. Select one or more notification types:
      • Delivery Failed: Emails are sent if the rule operation fails.
      • Delivery Completed: Emails are sent if the rule operation succeeds.
    In order to send emails, the email server must be configured in Workflow Engine settings.
  9. In Scope settings, specify the source location or locations the rule watches.

    1. Click Add location. The Location Selection dialog box opens.
    2. Navigate to and select the desired SMB location. This is the location that contains the files on which the rule operates. Every time the rule runs, it looks in this location to determine if there are any new files that match the rule conditions and then operates on the files that match.
    3. Click OK The location is added to the Scope list.
    4. For a location in the list, if you want the rule to operate on sub-folders as well, select Include Subfolders. When this is selected, if there are multiple directories under the selected location, the rule operates in each of the sub-directories.
    5. Repeat these steps to add additional locations as desired.
    6. To change a location in the list, click the Browse button
    7. To remove a location from the list, click X.
    Consider system load when configuring multiple import locations. An example guideline for a small GV STRATUS system, such as an Express system, is that you do not exceed ten import locations.
  10. Configure User Credentials as required for the source locations.
  11. In Frequency settings, specify how often the Rules Engine triggers the rule.

    1. Select one of the following options:
      • Metadata Change: The rule is constantly monitoring files in the “Scope” folder (and file types depend on the rule condition).
      • Periodically: Sets the number of minutes.
      • Daily: Sets the number of days.
      • Weekly: Sets the number of weeks.
      • Monthly: Sets the day of each month.
      • STRATUS UI only: The rule is only applicable when triggered by users via the context menu in Asset List of the STRATUS UI.
      For Daily, Weekly, and Monthly options, a Start Time setting opens. Set the day and time the rule is triggered for the first time.
  12. In Import Options settings, configure the format of the imported assets.

    1. For Transcode Format, select as follows:
      • None: Metadata only is imported. Media essence is not imported. If selected, a Metadata Format must be selected.
      • Native: The files to be imported are in a format supported by the K2 and GV STRATUS system, such as GXF, MXF, MOV, MPG (PS), etc.
      • <format>: As available for your transcode format, the file is transcoded to the selected format.

      Supported transcoders include Harmonic ProMedia™ Carbon (formerly Carbon Coder™), Telestream Vantage™, Elemental® , Harmonic WFS, Avid MEWS, and GVRE Transcoder.

      The list is populated by the transcode profiles that you create and place in the transcode profile directory. For import rules, the profile must be a format supported by the K2 and GV STRATUS system and the profile name must have the prefix Import_, such as Import_HD_MXF-D10_NTSC_50.PCP.

    2. For Metadata Format, select as follows:
      • None: No metadata is imported.
      • GV STRATUS Simple Import: Metadata is imported from a GV STRATUS schema XML metadata file named the same as the media file. If custom metadata is included in the metadata file, those custom metadata fields must be configured in the GV STRATUS system. If the fields are not configured, the custom metadata is not imported.
      If a metadata format is selected, the Metadata Optional setting is enabled.
    3. If enabled, select Metadata Optional to specify the following behavior:
      • If the media file and metadata file are present, the import operation begins immediately and imports the metadata.
      • If the media file is present and the metadata file is not present, the import operation waits 30 seconds.
        • If the metadata file arrives within 30 seconds, the import operation begins and imports the metadata.
        • If the metadata file does not arrive within 30 seconds, the import operation begins and no metadata is imported.
      • If the media file is not present and the metadata file is present, the Rules Engine waits 24 hours.
        • If the media file arrives within 24 hours, the import operation begins and imports the media and the metadata.
        • If the media file does not arrive within 24 hours, the Rules Engine renames the metadata file and ignores it for future import rule operations.
      If Metadata Optional is not selected, the import operation fails if both media and metadata files are not present.
    4. For Options, select as follows:
      • Create New Asset: A GV STRATUS asset is created for the imported material. If metadata only is imported, a metadata-only asset is created.
      • Update Asset Metadata: The imported metadata updates the metadata and essence of an existing asset.

      For more information about importing metadata, refer to related topics in this Topic Library.

  13. In Destination settings, specify the destination of the assets on which the rule operates.

    The destination must be a location in the GV STRATUS system. This is a location that is in the GV STRATUS application Navigator panel under the Locations node.
  14. In Rule Conditions settings, specify the conditions the Rules Engine File System Watcher looks for to qualify the essence material to be imported into GV STRATUS as a new asset.

    Considerations regarding Rule Conditions are as follows:

    • Supported native essence types: GXF, MXF and MOV.
    • Other video/audio formats: Transcoding is required for other video/audio formats to be imported into GV STRATUS. If needed, the GVRE Transcoder or a third party transcoder (such as Harmonic, Telestream, Elemental) could be added to convert the source file first into a supported high-resolution format.
    • Update Asset Metadata: To update metadata for an existing GV STRATUS asset, a GV STRATUS compliant XML format must be provided. Then, the Rule Condition must be set to search for files with “XML” extension to trigger the import rule.

    For example, segments and segmentations can be updated via the GV STRATUS schema XML metadata file. Segments are identified by name, type, in, and out; while segmentations are identified by name and type in the XML metadata file. If there is a change specified in the metadata file, it will be updated via the import rule.

  15. In the Select items when drop down list, select one of the following:
    • ALL of the conditions below are met: Assets that match all conditions.
    • ANY of the conditions below are met: Assets that match any condition.
    • Custom: A Custom Expression field opens in which you can enter a custom expression.

    Conditions and custom expressions are similar to those in GV STRATUS Advanced Search. Simple boolean operators AND, OR, and NOT are supported. Enter these operators in all capital letters.

  16. In Set Metadata settings, define the metadata that Rules Engine will set during the execution of a rule for an asset.

  17. Configure metadata as follows:
    • For each metadata, click the Add Metadata button and select from the drop-down list to select the metadata.
    • Define the metadata value which will be added into the data field of the asset when the rule is applied to.
    • Select to apply the metadata value only at the end of the rule workflow. For import rules, the Set Metadata setting only supports the metadata value at the end of the workflow since no asset exists in GV STRATUS yet at the beginning of import.
    • Click the X button to remove a metadata from the list.

    If a newly created custom metadata field is not available in the drop-down list, restart the GV STRATUS Control Panel application.

    You can create new custom metadata by selecting Core | Metadata | Custom Metadata | Add in the GV STRATUS Control Panel.

  18. Click Save.
Next, enable the rule.

Copyright © 2018 Grass Valley Canada. All rights reserved. GV STRATUS 6.5 gvtp_20181001_01:18:31