Other Topic Library Versions

Formats supported for import and export

When you import or export files using the GV STRATUS application, your K2 Summit/SAN system does the actual import/export. Therefore, if a format is supported for import/export in the GV STRATUS application, it must be supported on the K2 Summit/SAN system.

The following formats are supported for import/export using the GV STRATUS application:
  • GXF
  • MXF
  • QuickTime
  • MPG (for import only); including support for both MPG Transport Stream files (TS) and Programme Stream files (PS)
In addition, the following formats are supported for import/export on K2 Summit/SAN systems. By using the K2 AppCenter application or other file interchange mechanisms supported on K2 Summit/SAN systems, these formats can be used to make assets available to the GV STRATUS system:
  • AVI
  • MPEG
  • P2
  • WAV

Refer to topics in this section for detailed information about file interchange with these formats.

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