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About application security on the K2 SAN

The K2Config application and the Storage Utility application both require that you be logged in to the application with administrator privileges in order to modify any settings. These privileges are based on the Windows account that you use when you log in to the K2Config application. When you open Storage Utility from within the K2Config application, the account information is passed to Storage Utility, so you do not need to log in separately to Storage Utility.

In SiteConfig you configure global and/or device-type credentials for device access. These credentials are likewise based on Windows accounts.

You must use a Windows account that has local administrator privileges on the machine to be configured. For example, when you are on a control point PC and you run the K2Config application for the purpose of configuring a K2 Media Server, the account with which you log in to the K2Config application must be present on the K2 Media Server and must have administrator privileges on the K2 Media Server.

For initial setup and configuration, you can use the default Windows Administrator username and password to log in to applications and machines as you work on your K2 SAN. However, for ongoing security you should change the username/password and/or create unique accounts with similar privileges. When you do this, you must ensure that the accounts are present locally on all K2 SAN machines, including control point PCs, K2 Media Servers, K2 Media Clients, K2 Summit Production Clients, and other iSCSI clients.

Grass Valley recommends mapping the SNMP manager administrator with product administrator accounts for your K2 and other Grass Valley products. This allows you to log on to the SNMP manager as administrator using the product administrator logon.

Refer to related topics about Grass Valley recommended deployment and monitoring solutions in the "Release Notes" section of the K2 Topic Library.

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