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Inspector keyboard shortcuts

Function Key Comment
-1 Frame A
-10 Frames D
+1 Frame S
+10 Frames F
Add Keyword Ctrl + Insert
Add Marker Insert
Clear Mark In Shift + I
Clear Mark Out Shift + O
Clear Marks Shift + P
Create Subclip F4 In Inspector
Eject Ctrl + E In Source Viewer, Inspector, Channel Panel, Playlist Editor.
Enable Editable Field Alt + Click
Fast Forward R Fast forward with 8X speed.
Forward by Frame K (press and hold) + L Play video forward by one frame with each press of L.
Send F11 In Inspector, Asset List, Storyboard Editor, Sequence Viewer.
Go to Beginning Home
Go to End End
Go to Mark In Ctrl + I
Go to Mark Out Ctrl + O
Go to Next Marker H
Go to Previous Marker G In Inspector
Toggle visibility of Markers and Keywords Ctrl + ?
Mark In I In Channel Panel, trims material before Mark In. In Inspector and Source Viewer, does not affect material before Mark In.
Mark Out O In Channel Panel, trims material after Mark Out. In Inspector and Source Viewer, does not affect material after Mark Out.
Navigate Back Alt + Left Arrow
Navigate Forward Alt + Right Arrow
Pause K In Inspector, Channel Panel, Source Viewer, Storyboard Editor.
Play/Pause Spacebar Toggles between play and pause.
Play from Start Q
Forward L In Inspector, Channel Panel, Source Viewer, Storyboard Editor.
Play speed increase L (press repeatedly) Play video forward, increasing speed with each press (1X, 1.5X, 2X, 5X, 8X, 16X).
Play speed increase Shift + (F1 through F9) Play video forward, increasing speed with each press of function key:

F1 = 0.1X

F2 = 0.3X

F3 = 0.5X

F4 = 1X

F5 = 1.5X

F6 = 2X

F7 = 4X

F8 = 8X

F9 = 16X

Play Slo-Mo K + L (hold down both) Play video forward, increasing by 1/10 speed.
Forward by Frame K (press and hold) + L Play video forward by one frame with each press of L.
Play W
Reverse J Play video in reverse.
Reverse speed increase J (press repeatedly) Play video in reverse, increasing speed with each press (1X, 1.5X, 2X, 5X, 8X, 16X).
Reverse speed increase Ctrl + (F1 through F9) Play video in reverse, increasing speed with each press of function key:

F1 = 0.1X

F2 = 0.3X

F3 = 0.5X

F4 = 1X

F5 = 1.5X

F6 = 2X

F7 = 4X

F8 = 8X

F9 = 16X

Reverse Slo-Mo K + J (hold down both) Play video in reverse, increasing by 1/10 speed.
Reverse by Frame K (press and hold) + J Play video in reverse by one frame with each press of J.
Rewind E Rewind with 8X speed.
Solo Audio (for mono tracks) Alt + (Corresponding audio track number) Only 8 sets of shortcut keys for mono audio tracks are supported. Therefore, only (Alt + 1) through (Alt + 8) shortcut keys are available.
Solo Audio (for stereo pairs) Alt + (Corresponding audio pair number) Only 8 sets of shortcut keys for stereo audio pairs are supported. Therefore, only (Alt + 1) through (Alt + 8) shortcut keys are available.
Mute Audio Shift + Alt + (The number of audio track / audio pair) Applicable to mono audio tracks and stereo audio pairs.
Restore all audio tracks Alt + 0
Toggle Audio between Mono and Stereo Shift + Alt + G  
Trim F3 In Inspector

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