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About GV STRATUS markers, Dyno markers, and the K2 database

Marker information is stored in the GV STRATUS database and in the K2/Summit/SAN database. You can configure the way the GV STRATUS system synchronizes marker information between the databases. If you use the K2 Dyno Replay Controller as part of your workflow, you must consider this synchronization, since a Dyno marker is in the K2 database and a GV STRATUS marker is in the GV STRATUS database.

Another consideration is the number of markers in the K2 database. A very large number of markers can exceed the capacity of the K2 database. You can check logs on the K2 Summit/SAN system for messages about the database size. If it exceeds 80MB, there is a risk of database errors. If all GV STRATUS markers are synchronized to the K2 database the risk of exceeding the capacity increases. Grass Valley recommends that you only synchronize GV STRATUS markers to the K2 database if required by your Dyno workflow and that you adopt policies to limit the number of markers in the K2 database.

Your options for marker synchronization are as follows:
  • Partial — One-way marker creation from Dyno to GV STRATUS, then two-way marker modification and deletion. This is the default synchronization method, and is appropriate for most workflows.
  • Full — Two-way creation, modification, and deletion between Dyno and GV STRATUS.

To further reduce the number of markers, the system limits markers in subclips. If configured for partial synchronization, markers in the parent clip are inherited by the GV STRATUS subclip but are not inherited by the Dyno subclip. If configured for full synchronization, markers in the parent clip are not inherited by the GV STRATUS subclip or by the Dyno subclip.

Depending on the synchronization option you select, when you perform operations the GV STRATUS system responds with behaviors as follows:

Table 1. Partial synchronization
Operation —> Behavior —> Operation —> Behavior —> Operation —> Behavior
Create Dyno marker A. Marker A synchronized to GV STRATUS. Modify or delete GV STRATUS marker A. Change to marker A synchronized to K2 database/Dyno. Modify or delete Dyno marker A. Change to marker A synchronized to GV STRATUS.
Create GV STRATUS marker B. None. Marker B not synchronized to K2 database/Dyno. Modify or delete GV STRATUS marker B. None. Marker B not in K2 database/Dyno.
Create Dyno marker C in clip D. Marker C synchronized to GV STRATUS. Create GV STRATUS subclip D1 from a portion of clip D that includes marker C. GV STRATUS subclip D1 includes marker C. Subclip D1 synchronized to K2 database/Dyno. Dyno subclip D1 does not include marker C. Create Dyno subclip D2 from a portion of clip D that includes marker C. Dyno subclip D2 does not include marker C. Subclip D2 synchronized to GV STRATUS. GV STRATUS subclip D2 includes marker C.
Create GV STRATUS marker E in clip F. None. Marker E not synchronized to K2 database/Dyno. Create GV STRATUS subclip F1 from a portion of clip F that includes GV STRATUS marker E. GV STRATUS subclip F1 includes marker E. Subclip F1 synchronized to K2 database/Dyno. Dyno subclip F1 does not include marker E.
Table 2. Full synchronization
Operation —> Behavior —> Operation —> Behavior —> Operation —> Behavior
Create Dyno marker A. Marker A synchronized to GV STRATUS. Modify or delete GV STRATUS marker A. Change to marker A synchronized to K2 database/Dyno. Modify or delete Dyno marker A. Change to marker A synchronized to GV STRATUS.
Create GV STRATUS marker B. Marker B synchronized to K2 database/Dyno. Modify or delete Dyno marker B. Change to marker B synchronized to GV STRATUS. Modify or delete GV STRATUS marker B. Change to marker B synchronized to K2 database/Dyno.
Create Dyno marker C in clip D. Marker C synchronized to GV STRATUS. Create GV STRATUS subclip D1 from a portion of clip D that includes marker C. GV STRATUS subclip D1 does not include marker C. Subclip D1 synchronized to K2 database/Dyno. Dyno subclip D1 does not include marker C. Create Dyno subclip D2 from a portion of clip D that includes marker C. Dyno subclip D2 does not include marker C. Subclip D2 synchronized to GV STRATUS. GV STRATUS subclip D2 does not include marker C.
Create GV STRATUS marker E in clip F. Marker E synchronized to K2 database/Dyno Create Dyno subclip F1 from a portion of clip F that includes Dyno marker E. Dyno subclip F1 does not include marker E. Subclip F1 synchronized to GV STRATUS. GV STRATUS subclip F1 does not include marker E. Create GV STRATUS subclip F2 from a portion of clip F that includes GV STRATUS marker E. GV STRATUS subclip F2 does not include marker E. Subclip F2 synchronized to K2 database/Dyno. Dyno subclip F2 does not include marker E.

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