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Configuring a Linux archive device

Before you begin, verify the following:
  • The Linux archive device must have sufficient storage for archived clips.
  • The Linux archive device must be connected to the Control and streaming/FTP networks.
  • The K2 system must be assigned with the role of FTP Server.
  • Verify that K2 systems, GV STRATUS Core server, and the archive device can all communicate with each other on the streaming/FTP network. Use the ping command at the MS-DOS command prompt to test each device's streaming/FTP network name, which includes the _he0 suffix
  • Linux file names are case sensitive, therefore make sure you don't have duplicate file names in lowercase and uppercase letters.
In addition to the instructions in related topics about using generic FTP for archive, the following steps are required for a Linux archive device that is using Very Secure FTP Daemon (vsftpd), which is an FTP server for Unix-like systems, including Linux.
  1. Edit /etc/vsftpd.conf as follows:
    1. Add pasv_promiscuous=YES. This disables the PASV security check that ensures the data connection originates from the same IP address as the control connection.
    2. Add chroot_local_user=YES, if is not already added. This locks a user within their root directory and a does not allow them to access anything beyond.
  2. Restart vsftpd.
  3. If vsftpd version 2.3.5 or higher, remove write permissions on the user's root directory. Use the chmod command. For example, if a user's home directory is /home/user the command is chmod a-w /home/user. Removing write permissions on the user's root directory avoids the following error:

    500 OOPS: vsftpd: refusing to run with writable root inside chroot ()

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