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About Move/Delete Rights roles

In GV STRATUS Control Panel, the following roles can be assigned to groups and users.
  • Move Rights: Allows assets to be moved from one bin to another. This applies to K2 storage locations and to logical Asset Groups.
  • Delete Rights: Allows assets to be deleted.
In most asset transfer cases, the Move Rights roles supersedes the Delete Rights role, as follows:
  • Move operation: When you move an asset, by design it is deleted from the source location. Since this operation requires the Move Rights role, the Delete Rights role is not required.
  • Overwrite: When an asset exists at the destination location that is named the same as the asset you are transferring, you have the option to overwrite (delete) the asset. If a move operation, since the Move Rights role is required, the Delete Rights role is not required. If a copy operation, the Move Rights role does not apply, so the Delete Rights role is required.

The Move Rights role is independent of the Archive Rights role. It is recommended that users with the Archive Rights role also have the Move Rights role, so that move operations to archive are allowed.

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