Other Topic Library Versions

Playing a clip on a single channel in loop play

  1. Launch a Channel Panel.
  2. Load an asset into a channel so that it is cued up and ready to play.
  3. Click the Loop Playback button. The channel is now cued in loop play mode, as indicated by the highlighted loop play button.
  4. Click the Play button. ( W) Loop play begins on the channel. When the clip reaches its end, it automatically starts to play again from its beginning.
  5. Control loop play as follows:
    • To pause loop play, click the Pause button.
    • To resume loop play, click the Play button. When loop play restarts it begins at the point from which it stopped.
    • To stop loop play when it reaches the end of the clip, click the Loop Playback button. Playout continues normally and stops at the end of the clip.
    Spacebar = Play/Pause. Toggles between play and pause.

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