Other Topic Library Versions

Importing metadata to create or update assets

You can use GV STRATUS Import rules metadata features to exchange assets with external systems. You can import metadata for an asset that already exists in the GV STRATUS system. This updates the asset's metadata without changing the media essence. You can also update both asset's metadata and media essence, if desired.

Conversely, you can import metadata for an asset that does not yet exist in the GV STRATUS system. This creates a metadata-only GV STRATUS asset, ready for future updates with media essence.

A typical workflow for an existing GV STRATUS asset is as follows:
  • Export a GV STRATUS asset's closed caption metadata as an XML file to a translation vendor.
  • The translation vendor adds translated versions to the closed caption metadata.
  • Import the closed caption metadata XML file into the GV STRATUS system, using GV STRATUS Rule Import Options as follows:
    • Transcode Format: None
    • Metadata Format: GV STRATUS Simple Import
    • Options: Update Asset Metadata
  • The GV STRATUS asset now includes the translated closed caption metadata.
The metadata XML file must contain the asset's unique ID.
A typical workflow for creating a new GV STRATUS asset is as follows:
  • Provide a copy of a clip to a translation vendor.
  • The translation vendor creates closed caption information in an XML file that complies with GV STRATUS metadata.
  • Import the closed caption metadata XML file into the GV STRATUS system, using GV STRATUS Rule Import Options as follows:
    • Transcode Format: None
    • Metadata Format: GV STRATUS Simple Import
    • Options: Create New Asset
  • The GV STRATUS system creates a metadata-only asset.
  • Import the clip with the media essence into the GV STRATUS system.
  • The media essence becomes a part of the GV STRATUS asset.

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