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Configuring Grass Valley Media Server MDI settings: Required for standalone

All systems with one or more standalone K2 Summit systems require this process.

If you received your system pre-configured from Grass Valley, your Grass Valley Media Server MDI settings are already configured so you can skip these tasks. Otherwise, work through this section sequentially to configure your Grass Valley Media Server MDI settings.

To locate these settings, click Core | MDI Configuration | Add | Grass Valley Media Server

  1. In the Control Panel application, open Grass Valley Media Server MDI Configuration settings.

  2. Configure one Summit MDI for each standalone K2 Summit system on your GV STRATUS system.

    When you have multiple Grass Valley Media Server MDIs, they must each have their own process port number. For this purpose, numbers 9160 - 9169 increment in the Port field.

  3. Configure as follows:
    Setting or button Description
    MDI Type The Managed Device Interface (MDI) type to which these settings apply.
    MDI Name A name for this instance of the MDI type. Do not use spaces in the MDI name. The MDI name could be renamed later, if desired.
    Note: After renaming the MDI, you must restart the Render Engine server and its services. Then, reconfigure other settings on the Control Panel (such as Send Destinations, Rules, K2 Central storage, etc.) to use the new Grass Valley Media Server MDI name.
    Hostname of device running the MDI The name of the GV STRATUS server that hosts this MDI.
    Port number The process port for this instance of the MDI type. Each instance must have its own process port. Port numbers must be in range 9160-9169.
    Type of K2 device Specifies either SAN-attached K2 Summit system , Standalone K2 Summit system, K2 Central system, or Third Party Storage system. When Standalone is selected, settings are as follows.
    Select Standalone The standalone K2 Summit system that this MDI accesses.
    UNC Path The UNC path to the standalone K2 Summit system.
    User Name The user name that this MDI uses to access the K2 Summit system. This is the internal system account, which by default is GVAdmin.
    Domain If on a domain, the domain that manages the account that this MDI uses to access the K2 Summit system.
    Note: Do not enter a domain or otherwise modify account settings except under the supervision of qualified Grass Valley Support personnel. Extensive system configuration is required to achieve a working GV STRATUS system.
    Update Password The password that this MDI uses to access the K2 Summit system.
    FTP Server Name The FTP server name for the remote K2 Summit system. For the typical system where there is a separate FTP network, this is the name of the K2 SAN's FTP server with the _he0 suffix added. The _he0 suffix specifies the FTP network.
    Maximum concurrent transfers The maximum number of concurrent transfers allowed. The maximum is set in K2Config. You may select the maximum or a lesser number as designed for your system. The number of concurrent transfers as well as the device status can be checked once the system is configured in Resource Monitor of the GV STRATUS Control Panel.
    FTP User Account The FTP user name for the K2 Summit system this MDI accesses. Typically this is movie.
    Update FTP Password The FTP password for the K2 Summit system this MDI accesses. When this field is blank the system automatically uses the default password.
  4. Click Save.
  5. If you changed a standalone MDI setting, you must restart the GV STRATUS Core server system and the K2 Summit system. If SAN MDI settings, you must restart the entire K2 SAN system, including K2 Media Servers, attached K2 Summit systems, and other SAN clients.
    If you are changing multiple Grass Valley Media Server MDI settings, you can make all those settings first before restarting these systems. Restarting the systems once is sufficient for multiple Grass Valley Media Server MDI settings changes.
  6. Repeat steps to configure an MDI for each standalone K2 Summit system on your GV STRATUS system.

Next, if your GV STRATUS system accesses a K2 SAN, configure Grass Valley Media Server MDI SAN settings.

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