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Configure and authenticate Verizon location

Only systems that publish assets to Verizon CMS system require this process.
  • The express/core server, workflow server, or separate server must be configured with the GV STRATUS External Media Engine role and deployed by SiteConfig.
  • The External Media Engine must be running in GV STRATUS Control Panel Engines settings.
  • Both "STRATUS-EMNEXTERNALMEDIAENGINE” and “STRATUS-EMNVERIZON” licenses are installed on the core/express or separate server.
Configure a location as follows:
  1. In GV STRATUS Control Panel, navigate to General | Locations Config | External Media | Add.

    The External Media Location Configuration dialog appears.

  2. Configure as follows:
    Setting or button Description
    Name The name of the location, as it appears in the application. This can be any name, as appropriate for your workflow. This identifies the Verizon location when publishing assets to your Verizon CMS system via the GV STRATUS application.
    Description Your description of the location.
    Platform Select Verizon from the drop-down list.
  3. Enter the path to Slicer, the required software to upload content to Verizon platform.

    Verizon Content Management System requires its own encoder to be used in order to upload content to Verizon platform. Slicer is the software required for upload and must always be installed on the server where the External Media Engine is running. It must be downloaded from the Verizon web site by logging in to your Verizon Account, and click the download button to download the Slicer software at the bottom left of the screen.

    The Slicer software should be installed where the External Media Engine is deployed, which is usually on the GV STRATUS Core Server. It is recommended to install Slicer into the following directory:

    C:\Program Files\Grass Valley\STRATUS ExternalMedia Engine\ExternalMediaExecutorVerizon\Slicer

    After copying the Slicer software to the directory above, you must enter the path to Slicer in the External Media Location Configuration dialog. The Slicer software will be used by the External Media Engine for each upload.

    Note: If more than one External Media Engines exist, Slicer must be installed in the same directory on all servers where External Media Engine is installed.
  4. Enter your User name or email address, and enter the password.

  5. To enter the User ID, you must procure it from your account on the Verizon web site.

  6. Go to Settings and on the left hand side, select the Account Settings tab.
  7. Copy the User ID and paste it into the External Media Location Configuration dialog.
  8. To get the API Key, select the Playback Tokens tab.

  9. Copy the API Key and paste it into the External Media Location Configuration dialog.
  10. Click Apply to save the Verizon location configuration in the GV STRATUS Control Panel.
Next, configure the Publish External Media Network rule.

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