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Upgrade GV STRATUS system with the Key Upgrade Utility

This task applies to the following:
  • The GV STRATUS Core server
Before upgrading, do the following:
  • Disable any currently active rules on the GV STRATUS Control Panel.
  • Make sure there are no currently processing or running workflows on the GV STRATUS system.
Before running the utility, do the following:
  • Upgrade GV STRATUS software on the GV STRATUS Core server.
  • Upgrade the GV STRATUS database.
  • Restart the GV STRATUS Core server.
  1. Log on to the GV STRATUS Core server as an Administrator.
  2. Locate the following file:

    C:\Program Files\Grass Valley\STRATUS Core Services\KeyUpgradeUtility.exe

    This file is copied to the GV STRATUS Core server along with the software upgrade.

  3. Run the KeyUpgradeUtility.exe to upgrade the encryption keys on your GV STRATUS Core server.

    Note any yellow messages in the output and take the requested action; these will occur at the end of the utility execution.

    The process is successful when the Complete! message displays at the end of the output.

  4. In the Proxy Config | Proxy Settings tab in GV STRATUS Control Panel, re-check the Enable Proxy Creation setting and click Save.

    Verify all pop-ups succeed before continuing.

  5. Reboot the GV STRATUS Core server.
  6. Re-enable any rules that were disabled earlier.
  7. Procure and run the EngineConfig_6_8.cmd file where any of the following engines are installed and running:
    • DataMover Engine
    • Transcode Engine
    • Workflow Engine
    • Rules Engine
    • Social Media Engine
    • External Media Engine

Copyright © 2019 Grass Valley Canada. All rights reserved. GV STRATUS 6.8 gvtp_20190318_01:43:25