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Installing the K2 Avid Ingest software

  1. Browse the folder of installers and navigate to \K2ingest\Disk1\.
  2. Double-click Setup.exe.
  3. Click Next in the "Welcome.." dialog box.
  4. Click OK if you get one of the following below: Please refer to Prerequisites for installation of K2-AvidTM Software on Avid devices if you encounter any of the following error warnings.
    1. You may get the following message if you are attempting to install on a device which does not have an Avid Editor installed.

    2. You may get the following message if you are attempting to install on a device which has both AvidNewsCutter and Avid MediaComposer installed.

    3. Or if there is no TransferManager Clients or Avid Interplay Transfer Clients installed, you may see the following message.

    The "License Agreement" dialog box is displayed.
  5. Select the I accept the terms in the License agreement check box.
  6. Take the time to read the information provided on the license agreement and click Next.
  7. Select the installation path. Take a moment to find out where the Avid Editor executable is located.
    Note: The Install program will attempt to locate the Avid editor executable and use the path found.

  8. Click Next.

    The next dialog box displays the path found.

  9. Verify that the path is correct, and click Next. Otherwise, click Change and browse to the correct destination folder.
  10. Click Install to begin the installation.

    The status dialog then displays the progress of the installation.

  11. The following Configuration Wizard is then displayed.

    This is used to set the hostname of the K2 Media Server (FSM) used for AMA linking.
  12. If GV STRATUS is used, you need to set the Core Server hostname and the hostname of the device the Grass Valley Media Server MDI is connecting to.
  13. Click Next to walk through the wizard.
  14. Enter the hostname of the FSM and credentials if AMA is used, otherwise leave blank and click Next.

  15. Enter the hostname of the Core Server and host name of the K2 Summit server used by the Grass Valley Media Server MDI.

    Leave the space blank if GV STRATUS integration is not used.
  16. Click Next to complete this Wizard.

    This can be run at any time from C:\Program Files\Avid\Avid Media Composer\IngestConfig64.exe.
  17. Click Finish when the install is completed.
    Note: Default username "Administrator" and password are used by the Ingest software.

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