Other Topic Library Versions

Upgrade K2 systems

  • All K2 Summit systems must upgrade to the latest Microsoft .NET Framework version, if that version of .NET is not already installed.
  • You have procured the necessary software and documentation for the upgrade. Go to //www.grassvalley.com/dl/k2_summit and refer to the "Release Notes" section of the K2 Topic Library to determine the compatible software versions and documentation required.
  • All standalone K2 Summit systems must be offline (all media access stopped) or shut down. The power must be off for a few seconds before switching it on again.
  • If upgrading a K2 SAN, all SAN clients must be offline (all media access stopped) or shut down. The power must be off for a few seconds before switching it on again. Depending on your system design, this could include devices such as SAN-attached K2 Summit systems, GV STRATUS servers, and GV STRATUS Client PCs.
Note: When upgrading from a K2 software version lower than 9.x to a K2 software version at 9.x or higher, you must reimage each K2 Summit system. Hardware upgrades might also be required on a K2 Summit system.
  1. Upgrade your K2 systems to the compatible version of K2 system software. This includes K2 SAN systems and stand-alone K2 Summit systems. When upgrading for compatibility with GV STRATUS, use GrassValley_K2system_x.x.x.cab file, which contains the required GrassValley_STRATUS_SummitServices_x.x.x.cab file.
  2. On systems running Embedded Security, do the one-time initial deployment process for the Embedded Security solution, if you have not already done so.
  3. Configure the Grass Valley Media Server MDI settings in GV STRATUS Control Panel for each K2 Summit system that you use with the GV STRATUS Rundown application.

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