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Playing Clips to Air

Playback operators use the GV STRATUS Rundown application to control the playback of news clips to air.

Using a playlist linked to an NCS rundown or the local GV STRATUS Rundown playlist, playback operators cue and play clips as required during a broadcast.

The Clip Browser, Rundowns, and Playlist Overview are all dockable; you can rearrange windows or close windows you aren’t using (such as unused channels). The channel windows are not dockable, but each can be opened or closed.

To restore a window you have closed, choose the name of the window from the View menu. To restore all windows to their default locations, choose Tools | Reset Windows.

With the integration of GV STRATUS ActiveX Plugin, you can preview a clip prior to air using the Source Viewer and view metadata properties that had been created for the clip.

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