Other Topic Library Versions

Prepare for upgrade

Before upgrading, do the following:

  • Procure the software installation files for this release via the appropriate distribution method, such as download, CD-ROM, network drive, or external drive.
  • Start up the devices you are upgrading, if they are not already started.
  • Stop all media access on the devices you are upgrading.
  • Shut down all applications including the SDB Server on the devices you are upgrading.
Apply these steps to devices in the SiteConfig system description.
If your system includes Aurora Playout, do the following:
  1. On the Core/Express server, remove the Aurora Playout Server Components role.
  2. On the Core/Express server, add the GV STRATUS Rundown Server Components role.
  3. On GV STRATUS/Aurora Playout client PCs, remove the Aurora Playout Application role.
  4. On GV STRATUS/Aurora Playout client PCs, add the GV STRATUS Rundown Application role.

Copyright © 2019 Grass Valley Canada. All rights reserved. GV STRATUS 6.8 gvtp_20190318_01:43:25