Upgrading GV STRATUS server OS from Windows 2008/2012 to Windows 2016

  1. Using the latest 20xxxxxx-xxx-w2016.tib image, reimage the Windows 2008/2012 servers to Windows 2016.
  2. On each re-imaged server, do the following:
    1. Configure the new server with the same name, IP addresses and drives as the previous server.
    2. For Fibre-connected devices: Install ATTO drivers. (These are already installed in the latest image)
    3. For Failover clients: Install MPIOs. (These are already installed in the Windows 10 Summit/K2Plus images.)
    4. Add the server to the domain, if applicable.
    5. For Core servers only:
      1. Install SQL by double-clicking the Install_SQL_2017.bat file located in C | Grass Valley and follow the UI pop-up dialogs.
      2. License the SQL.
      3. Set the SQL limit based on the RAM: 16 GB RAM -> 8,192 limit; 32 GB -> 18,432 limit; 48 GB -> 32,768 limit; 64 GB -> 47,104 limit;
      4. Recreate the desired local users/groups that were on the previous core server.
    6. Manually install Discovery Agent or later.
    7. Reboot the server.
  3. To reorder network adapters on the re-imaged server, run the WeightNetworkAdapters PowerShell script located at C:\Grass Valley directory after reviewing its associated README.txt file and enter the names of your adapters as follows:
    1) Control Connection
    2) FTP Connection
    3) iSCSI A or LAN Connect A or SMB Connection (if either apply)
    4) iSCSI B or LAN Connect B Connection (if applicable)
    5) HBR (High Bit Rate) Media feeds, (if applicable)
    6) Unused adapters, (if there is any)
    Note: If connections 3-6 are Unused, the script still requires the user to input their names.
  4. Launch the SiteConfig application on the ControlPoint PC, and do the following:
    1. On the Network Configuration | Devices tab, remove all devices that were reimaged.
    2. Re-add all devices in the Devices tab.
    3. In the Software Deployment | Deployment Groups tab, add the devices back to the deployment group and include all the original roles.
    4. Perform a Check Software on all the newly added devices.
    5. Deploy GV STRATUS 6.9 systemcabs.
    6. Reboot the server after all systemcabs have been installed successfully.
  5. Restore the files and configuration settings by doing the following:
    1. For Express Core servers only: Copy back the Proxy folder to the F: drive.
    2. Reconfigure the shared folders that were shared on the previous server(s), if any.
    3. Obtain and install new Sabretooth licenses, if applicable.
    4. If you have a separate WFE or DMEs, make sure they are shut off before running the .bat file on a core server, or vice versa.
    5. Copy the zip file from your external hard drive to the root of the D: drive and extract it at that location.
    6. Move the ServerMigration folder from the extracted folder to the root of the D: drive.
    7. Open the folder and run the ConfigRestore.bat file.
      Note: If this fails, verify that all GV services were stopped. Then, review the C | Temp | GV*.log files.
    8. Put the server in Enabled mode and reboot.
    9. For FSMs only: In K2Config, expand the FSM, select the iSCSI Bridge or LAN Gateway, and click the Check button. If all the check marks are green proceed to the next step. Otherwise, click the View Target Drives… button, click Close, and re-click the Check button—they should be all green now.
  6. In GV STRATUS Control Panel, do the following:
    1. Verify the previous Control Panel settings in each tab.
      Note: No settings should be lost.
    2. Resave the Proxy Config tab, to verify that the proxy share is setup correctly. (Add the domain/gvadmin permissions manually on fully domain-integrated systems.)
    3. For Core servers only: Reset Index under Core | Search Index Config. This may take two to four hours, depending on the size of your system.

      While the system is re-indexing, verify that the Navigator, Inspector, Send/Conform Destinations, Transfers, Rules, etc. are working in the GV STRATUS application.

Copyright © 2020 Grass Valley Canada. All rights reserved. Specifications subject to change without notice. GV STRATUS 6.9.1 gvtp_20200806_00:37:22