Network Compact Protocol (Default Driver for VikinX Compact Routers)
Every VikinX Compact router is equipped with a RS-232 port. Although the panels are equipped with the port as well, it is not recommended to use it. It is possible to use a standard straight-through modem cable with a gender-bender. Most of the routers are using baud rate 19200, but there are certain exceptions, so it is necessary to check the manual for your particular model. Other port settings are 8 bits, no parity, 1 stop bit, and no flow control. The DIP switches on the back of the router and the frame type define the address of the frame. Type the value set by the DIP switches in the Frame ID box when you define your levels in Miranda’s Router Control Software.
The Network protocol supports two types of frames: video and audio. Telecom routers act like a video frame and the RS-422 Data router can be configured by DIP switches to work either as video or as audio. Please refer to your device’s user manual for more information.