Network Modular Protocol (Control Protocol for VikinX Modular Routers)
Please refer to the following document for more information about this protocol:
\\ca-ops-data\Groups\RD Software\Documentation\iControlRouter\Protocols\Network\VikinX_Control_Protocol_rev3.pdf
Select this driver if you wish to use a router controller such as your VikinX Modular router's SysCon card or an external ETH-CON device.
The Network Modular protocol is an Ethernet ASCII protocol, and uses port 4381.
1. Connect to the controller using telnet.
2. In a telnet session, type:
3. Hit Enter twice.
System Response: The response will be something like this:
[ Graphic ]
4. To get the status of all the crosspoints on a level, type s l<level>, and then press Enter twice.
System Response: The response will have the following form:
x l<level> <src> <dest>
[ Graphic ]
5. You can also switch crosspoints, by typing x l<level> <src> <dest>, and then pressing Enter twice.
System Response: You will get a confirmation like this:
[ Graphic ]