Routing Switchers Tips and Tricks > Utah Scientific RCP‑1 (SC‑3 Controller) > Troubleshooting


Utah routers are using semi-ASCII protocol to communicate over serial port. Semi-ASCII means that in some cases it uses binary characters while for most purposes it uses normal ASCII. Note that all the commands are case sensitive. Here is the list of the commands that can be used during troubleshooting:
Matrix Refresh Report. In this mode the controller will periodically (~5 sec) send the status of the router to the serial port. Typically should be disabled.
To enable this mode type <Ctrl-[>@
To disable this mode type <Ctrl-[>A
Matrix Change Report. In this mode the controller will notify the serial port about changes in the router status. Typically should be enabled.
To enable this mode type <Ctrl-[>B
To disable this mode type <Ctrl-[>C
The characters you’re typing will not be visible at the command prompt.The status updates have the format:
<SOH><Level 0-3><Level 4-7><Input><Output><CR>
where SOH is ASCII character with code 1, selected levels are represented with characters from @ (no levels) to O (all levels), input and output are represented as three digits. For example, for destination 5 levels 0 and 1 switched to source 7 will produce :


The <CR> character (Enter) is interpreted by the SC-3 as the end of set crosspoint command. As a result it will execute a take of the last crosspoint that was sent from that port. If no crosspoints were set before it will take bus 0 to source 0 on all available levels. Be careful!

One can experience delays when receiving response from the router after a crosspoint is taken. The delay can be 1-2 seconds. The crosspoint itself is taken immediately. This behavior was noticed when running the software on Linux while on Windows it works fine.