Local: Front panel keypad and LCD.
Remote: The Remote In connector. This is typically where other UCMs are connected when they are configured to operate as remote control panels. If remotes are not going to be used in the system, this port can typically be used as an auxiliary serial port. It is configured as an RS-485 port and accepts 9600-baud 8N1 (8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit) data. Command data is sent as an STX/ETX bounded packet with checksum as defined in the protocol document. Note that the Remote In connector is directly connected to the Remote Out connector since this is an RS-485 bus connector.
Control In: The PC Control In connector. This is typically where a control computer or PC is connected. The port can be configured as an RS-232, RS-422, or RS-485 port and accepts 9600-baud 8N1 data. Command data is sent as an STX/ETX bounded packet with checksum as defined in the protocol document.
QEC Port: Ethernet. The exact Ethernet port is user-defined with the default Ethernet port set at 9100. It accepts the same command packet that is used on the serial port. This makes it easy for a single driver to be used for both serial and Ethernet connections.
Telnet: Telnet console window. This provides an ASCII interface with a cursor for keyboard entry of commands.
The system is highly flexible. The access control feature can be configured to be on/off for each of the five possible control ports on an individual UCM. This also holds true for a system with a main UCM and multiple remote UCMs. The control port access control must be set separately for the main unit and each of the remotes.